Need Help Paying Your Bill?

Warmth isn’t just a necessity; it’s an indispensable part of our daily lives.

We understand that life can bring unexpected challenges, and we’re here to provide the support you need to ensure you and your loved ones stay warm and comfortable. Explore these options for the variety of ways we provide payment assistance to those in need, or reach out to a helpful customer representative.

Summit’s Low-Income Program

We’re committed to supporting our customers in need through our Low-Income Program. This initiative offers additional financial assistance to households already receiving state or federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP). Eligible customers enrolled in the program will benefit from a 28% discount on service, facility, and distribution charges, helping to make energy more affordable.

Customers who qualify for HEAP assistance through the Maine State Housing Authority will be automatically enrolled in our program once funds are received. This will appear as a credit on their future bills. For customers eligible for HEAP assistance but not receiving funds due to funding limitations, enrollment is still possible with proof of eligibility. We encourage these customers to reach out by calling 800-909-7642 or emailing

The Low-Income Program will feature a fixed per-person recovery charge to fund its annual discount. Currently, this charge amounts to just $2.43 per year, distributed across 12 months. Any surplus collected beyond the program's estimated cost will be applied to offset expenses for the following year.

Financial Assistance

Financial assistance may be available to eligible low-income households for home heating needs through federally funded programs and crisis assistance offered by various state counties.

Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)

This federally funded program helps pay heating costs for eligible customers. Learn more about the program and how to apply.


211 and the United Way offer many services, including helpful resources and referrals for energy assistance. Dial 211 to see if you qualify for help, or visit your state’s 211 website for more information.

Additional Resources

We have compiled a list of additional programs that can help pay heating costs for eligible customers.

Deposit Waiver for Victims of Domestic Crimes

Summit Natural Gas of Maine will waive the deposit required to establish new services for victims of domestic crimes. To apply for the waiver, click here.

Medical Emergencies

Summit Natural Gas will not disconnect service or refuse to reconnect for residential customers when you or someone in your house is seriously ill, if a registered physician confirms that an emergency exists. If you cannot get a doctor to call right away, you may let us know yourself. We will wait three (3) workdays for the doctor to call or write us. We can require written certification from the doctor, including specific reasons why service is necessary and how long the emergency will last. Disconnection can be postponed due to a medical emergency for up to 30 days and can be renewed up to 90 days. Please call our Customer Service Department at 1-800-909-7642 for more information.

Please note: a medical emergency does not cancel the bill. We will refer you to financial assistance agencies and ask you to negotiate a reasonable payment arrangement.

Additional Resources

Create an Online Account for 24/7 Access

View and pay bills, see gas use, and compare use over time.

Flexible Payment Options

Colorado Natural Gas has a variety of convenient ways to pay your utility bill.

Budget Billing

Enroll to have more predictable bills month-to-month, and even out the seasonal highs and lows of your bill.